Adam Howarth Digital Portfolio
818.653.1889 -
Adam Howarth Digital Portfolio
818.653.1889 -
818.653.1889 -
818.653.1889 -
My sound, video, and system designs have been seen and heard all around the world from musicals, to plays, to themed entertainment.
Primarily focused on environmental/devised theatre and high end secondary schools, my designs are concept driven and make the best use of available resources.
As a one stop shop for all things production I have built many professional and ingenious props for all types of productions.
I have 18 years of experience serving as production manager, designer, and technical director at both the college and secondary level. I served as product manager for Eastern Acoustic Works for numerous years and bring those skills with me into academia. I have worked in systems design and development for major theme parks.
I take pride in my designs including large scale musicals, design for plays and events, and system design and optimization utilizing software including SMAART, EASE, Q-Lab, Q-SYS, and Yamaha and Allen and Heath digital products. I am well versed in current lighting technologies including LED, intelligent lights, and the EOS family of con
I take pride in my designs including large scale musicals, design for plays and events, and system design and optimization utilizing software including SMAART, EASE, Q-Lab, Q-SYS, and Yamaha and Allen and Heath digital products. I am well versed in current lighting technologies including LED, intelligent lights, and the EOS family of consoles. I am skilled in scenic construction techniques and basic scenic painting. I am well versed in constructing props from magical hourglasses that light up and change color to people eating plants. I possess excellent skills at budgeting and scheduling of labor and facilities, ROI projections, risk assessment, and managerial skills .
I am looking for an opportunity to work in a collaborative atmosphere at the higher or secondary level for an institution interested in exploring concept in partnership with students. I hope to continue inspiring and molding young enthusiastic minds and push the boundaries of environmental, devised, and educational theater.